There is no end to the amount of amazing glass and special feature tile that's on the market today. Glass tile adds such depth and personality to a space. Because of its cost, I try to use it in areas where it will provide the most impact for my client's investment. Here are some very cool tiles that I like.

A beautiful tile called Opera Glass from Artistic Tile.

This is one of the many very nice tile products avaialable from Oceanside Glass Tile.

Here's a beautiful tile from Sicis - they have several product lines that I really like.

This is a specialty tile made of river stones. Perfect for modern spaces that require a feeling of nature.

This is a beautiful tile used in a bathroom remodel by a California firm called IdeaSpace.

I came across this image during an online search. I wish I knew who the designer was. I really like their pairing of the green tile with the wood wall.